Amy is one of my closest friends. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, she is no stranger to you. I’ve been a part of her life since before we both had children. I’ve seen her go through some pretty tough times, but through it all she has been kind and strong. I called her up one day and told her that I ordered a new lens and wanted to test it on her and her littles. She was more than happy to oblige and so we set the date in for a family photography session in Seaside. We headed to the beach where she played and snuggled with her little loves and I happily played with my new gear. We ended the playdate (I mean it really can’t be called a photography session when it’s so fun right?!) with a quick treat from Frostbites in Seaside, Florida and called it a night. I couldn’t have been happier with the images we got.
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